Medicine Hat Construction Association
Alberta Association of Planners The Alberta Association, Canadian Institute of Planners (AACIP) is the professional association of private and public sector planners and academics practicing in Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.
Alberta Dental Association The Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA+C) provides leadership to the dental profession on professional regulations and member services, and provides the public with information and services, to ensure that Albertans receive safe, appropriate, ethical and quality dental care as an integral part of general health.
Alberta Medical Association Stands as an advocate for its physician members, providing leadership and support for their role in the provision of quality health care.
Alberta School Boards Association The ASBA prepares policy advisories on issues for School Board members to use as guidelines as they develop or revise existing policies.
Alberta Teachers Association A professional organization of teachers, that promotes and advances public education, safeguards standards of professional practice and serves as the advocate for its members.
Alberta United Nurses United Nurses of Alberta is the union of Alberta´s Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, student nurses and mental health workers.
APEGGA The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) has regulated the practice of engineering, geology and geophysics in Alberta since 1920.
Canadian Auto Workers Union The CAW is the largest private sector union in Canada.
Canadian Professional Chuckwagon Association The CPCA is a professional organization that represents the drivers and sponsors.
Canadian Professional Rodeo Association The Association (CPRA) is a non-profit organization that functions as the official sanctioning authority for the sport of professional rodeo in Canada.
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists The primary goal of the Society is to promote and further the study of petroleum geology and its related sciences.
Canadian Union of Public Employees With more than half a million members across Canada, CUPE represents workers in health care, education, municipalities, libraries, universities, social services, public utilities, transportation, emergency services and airlines.
The Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists The Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists is a non-profit registered society, whose primary focus is to further the conservation and prudent management of Canada's natural resources based on sound ecological principles.
